Introduction to responsible AI

Discover our experts' insights on the challenges posed by AI:
  • •    What are the key concepts to understand when it comes to securing AI?
    •    What are the major risks to be covered?
    •    What is the current state of the regulatory and normative framework?
    •    What questions should we ask ourselves when addressing the security of an application using AI?

Our white paper will be a source of inspiration to help you navigate confidently in the fascinating world of AI! !

Available also in FRENCH, SPANISH & ITALIAN 

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Introduction to Responsible AI : what security for AI?

This white paper is intended to serve as an introduction to the complex and fascinating world of AI security.

Aimed at tech professionals, be they experts in AI or not, this document seeks to provide a pragmatic overview of the security issues associated with these disruptive technologies. We will use the example of ChatGPT to illustrate the challenges, potential solutions and best practice for the secure use of these tools. However, obviously, AI security does not only concern ChatGPT.

We'll be delving into the intricacies of data confidentiality, ethics, the risks of adversarial attacks, and other crucial aspects of AI security. We'll also be looking at regulatory, technical, organisational and behavioural solutions using practical, relevant examples, in particular ChatGPT. 

Our contributors

Léonard KEAT

"This white paper is an introduction to the complex and fascinating world of AI security. In this white paper, you will find a source of inspiration and information, allowing you to navigate with confidence in the fascinating world of AI."

Léonard KEAT
Senior Consultant & Head of South East France Operations - Advens
Françoise Soulié

"Awareness of AI security is on the rise and it is important for cyber and AI communities to understand the stakes and avenues for progress: this White Paper will provide the reader with the necessary references."

Françoise SOULIE
Scientific Advisor - Hub France IA
Manuel Davy

"Implementing these technologies in the enterprise is an exciting topic that requires real expertise. Relying on experienced players who are consistent with the company's sovereignty policy is essential."

Manuel Davy
CEO - Wekia & President, Cité de l’IA