Threat Status Report 2023-24

Gain insights from the annual CERT, SOC & Audit Teams Analyses :

  • 👉 What are the key insights from the threat landscape in 2023?
  • 👉 What cybersecurity recommendations and best practices should organizations implement for 2024?

This report offers a comprehensive overview of the 2023 threat landscape, highlighting vulnerabilities and providing strategic recommendations to help organizations refine their 2024 roadmap and enhance their cybersecurity posture.
2024_Mockup Rapport de la menace

Download the Threat Report

Threat Assessment 2023: Trends and Developments

The year 2023 saw an increase in the number of successful ransomware attacks, with deployment times reaching record speeds: it takes less than 4 days on average to deploy a ransomware. In France, 10% of ransomware is deployed within 5 hours of hacking an access point.
Moreover, this year marks a turning point in the industrialization of infection processes: the use of AI for offensive purposes, targeting of Cloud infrastructures, and the rise of cyberattacks targeting the supply chain are among the trends observed by Advens experts.
🛡️ What defense strategies should be prioritized against new threats?
Drawing on their experience in threat monitoring and incident response, the CERT, Audit, and SOC teams have published a comprehensive report on the state of threats, including an assessment of attacks, key figures by sector, emerging trends, and recommendations to enhance your security posture.

Our contributors

David Quesada
David Quesada
CERT Director
Fabian Cosset
Fabian Cosset
CTI Manager
Sébastien Calba
Sébastien Calba
Deputy Auditing Manager
Erwan Blanchon


Erwan Blanchon
Team Leader Blue Team - SOC
Julien Reisdorffer
Julien Reisdorffer
VP Managed Detection & Response (DACH)
Guillaume Djourabtchi
Guillaume Djourabtchi
SOC Marketing and Strategy Manager