
On the program :

Come and enjoy this series of 3 webinars offered by Advens. 30 minutes of cyber expertise provided by the specialists at Advens.


🔎  October 1 : Future European challenges

📢 9h00 - 9h30 : NIS 2: What will happen after October 2024?

📢 11h30 - 12h00 : AI Security: How to create a trustworthy AI? 

📢 13h30 - 14h00 : DORA, TIBER & TLPT: All you need to know 

Discover our speakers and the topics covered: 

Photo ronde Nicolas Pierre

NIS 2: What will happen after October 2024?

By the end of October 2024, all EU member states are expected to have transposed the NIS 2 Directive into national law. However, we anticipate variations in implementation timelines across countries. While each nation has its own pace (and, of course, its own defense strategy), waiting for the final deadline might not be the most effective approach. The NIS 2 Directive, being a European document, provides sufficient detail to start preparing your compliance roadmap and initiate projects to achieve your compliance goals.

Nicolas Pierre
Compliance/Governance Manager - Cybersecurity
Léonard KEAT

AI Security: How to create a trustworthy AI?

Imagine being thrust into a world where every interaction, decision and innovation is shaped by an almost magical force, invisible but omnipresent. This, far from being science fiction, is our daily reality. What are the key concepts to understand when it comes to securing AI?  What are the major risks to be covered? What is the current state of the regulatory and normative framework? What questions should we ask ourselves when addressing the security of an application using AI? Our expert will share useful insights to prepare your journey to secure AI.

Leonard Keat
Operations Manager in the Southeast Region at Advens. Expert in AI Security and Ethics.
Photo Sébastien Calba (ronde)

DORA, TIBER & TLPT: All you need to know 

DORA establishes a regulatory framework for financial entities' digital operational resilience. Notably, Article 26 introduces the requirement for Thread-Led Penetration Testing (TLPT).  TIBER-EU, meanwhile, provides a European framework for threat intelligence-based ethical red teaming. Whether your organization falls under DORA or TIBER-EU regulations, or if your key clients do, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge to meet these requirements. Our red teaming experts will also share their approach to preparing, conducting, and maximizing the benefits of a red team mission.

Sebastien Calba
Deputy Director of Audit